Tuesday, September 22, 2009

State of Play

Greetings spurned readership!

As you may have noticed, my rate of posting has slowed to the point of nonexistence. More likely you have moved on to one of the other 70 bajillion blogs on the internet and are not reading this right now. But I digress.

I started this blog as a way of keeping my writing fluids pumping. I did not anticipate that it would be read and enjoyed - a welcome boon indeed.
At present I hunger for projects with more focus, and am turning my attention to a couple.
I still intend to update this blog, but am officially freeing myself from the self-imposed daily schedule. I obviously did this unofficially some time ago, but hey, I'm here now.
The invention of Twitter was quite a blow, as it provided the ability to share randomness and immediately generate discussion that I found here. It also unfortunately demonstrated that much of the 1,000-word posts I had created could be just as effectively conveyed in 140 characters.

I really do want to thank everyone who has ever read any of the words here, and I hope you've enjoyed some of them. I especially want to thank anyone who commented, as I am man enough to admit that such validation keeps me going.

So I will continue to live here - I still visit every day so feel free to say anything you like in the comments of this post. If I post something of note I shall make a note of it through Twitter and Facebook.

Also, how good was Arkham Asylum? Really good.


Tsunami Hee Ja said...

Your readership was not as spurned as mine, but lo, you are turning your attention elsewhere? YOU, the closest thing I have to a hardcore blogging friend? Nuuuu! And just when I decide to revive my piddly blog thing too. T-T

Luke said...

Boo! Hiss!