Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Moving pictures

Inspired by numerous 'Best of' lists scattered around the internet at the moment, here's some of the coolest videos I found floating around in the recent past.
I collect these here partly to form my own link in the endless viral chain, and partly to make it easier on myself when I want to repeatedly watch them.

Daft Hands. Awesome song. Impressive dexterity.

Tracey Jordan interview. Further evidence that his 30 Rock character - the similarly named "Tracey Morgan", is rooted firmly in reality. He successfully rhymes "Captain Kirk" with "Vietnam".

Body Fusion.
Hilaroius digital short from SNL. See also "Dick in a Box" and "I Ran", which I sadly couldn't find.

Will Ferrell's Landlord.
Really, really funny.

Don't Tase me bro! A disturbing look at police behaviour, tempered by the victim's unrelenting douchebaggery.

Zombie Kid Likes Turtles. I want to be him. So free.

Also, click on the Video label below or on the right sidebar to see some of the videos I've posted in the past - you owe it to yourself to watch "What What?"

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