I recently heard World of Warcraft referred to as 'crack you take in through you fingertips'.
It's a shame that's already taken, as I was about to describe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion the exact same way.
I've been playing through it for about a fabajazillyon hours, and am not approaching completion.
The game, an RPG comfortably on the other side of expansive, is taking up all the time I'd usually spend blogging, sleeping and going to the toilet.
I borrowed a friend's Playstation 3, and feel bad for all the other games.
Now, if you'll excuse me, my level 18 High Elf Mage has to go slay this pesky Lich. Meanwhile, on the other side of the great barrier [or TV screen], my ass will grow large and unwieldy.
two sentences: "taking up all the time I'd usually spend.. going to the toilet" and "my ass will grow large and unwieldy"
im concerned. very concerned.
seek colonic help immediately stefan.
a sweet sweet game indeed
Eye of Flame
Jay, you point to a disturbingly factual situation there.
Life is grand.
And yes, mysterious beholder, 'tis a great game fo' sho'.
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