Saturday, May 10, 2008

Multiple Choice

1. When you arrive at work to find a colleague has called in sick, do you:

A] Spare a thought for them, hoping for them to get well soon.
B] Remain indifferent.
C] Become angry thinking of the potential addition to your workload in their absence.

2. You hear that the creators of your favourite television show are on strike. Do you:

A] Congratulate them for their defense of their morals and rights.
B] Wish them well, while hoping for a speedy resolution for all involved.
C] Curse their name, as it puts added time between yourself and the episodes you desperately crave. Sure you appreciate their actions, but can't they fight their battles after you're dead?

3. You are stuck behind someone in traffic. They are moving twenty kilometres under the speed limit. Your thoughts turn to:

A] Benevolence. Surely they are just cautious, or experiencing mechanical complications.
B] Irritation. There may be a reason for their actions, but it's hard not to feel inconvenienced.
C] Rage. This person must hate you personally and with passion. Surely they are not suffering under the same car trouble you yourself are stricken with, only stupidity.

If you answered

Mostly As: You are a pinnacle of human understanding, or possibly a cartoon character with the dimension of cardboard.

Mostly Bs: You are an understandably human person, with all the positives and flaws inherent within.

Mostly Cs: You are me.

Show your work.

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