Are you:
A] Watching The Wire right now?
B] Basking in the glow of having recently seen The Wire?
C] Yet to see The Wire, but open to me forcing you to watch it?
D] Uninterested in The Wire?
If you answered D to the question above, then I don't think we can be friends anymore. I know it's a big call, but this show really is that good.
As is traditional here on the Stefan Delatovic's Blog, I'm here to wax lyrical about something that everyone else found out about five years ago.
What's that sound, you ask? Oh, that's just the real power of the instantaneous, always-on internet rushing by.
Anyway, I kept hearing about this show called The Wire. It was the internet equivalent of hearing someone whispering about something in the bathroom at a party thrown by a techno-obsessed stranger. It would come up here or there, but nothing too overt.
One day though I was on this LOST message board and the members held a "what's the best show on TV?" poll.
"Why bother?" I thought. This was a community established entirely for the love of LOST, a show which organically divides viewers into either disaffected haters or ravenously obsessed mouthbreathers (that's me).
To my shock and amazement, the winner was The Wire.
These people, with their 14,000 word blog posts ranking the habitats of polar bears depending on how many small black rocks they contained, had selected another show as their pick of the litter?
Shortly after that The Wire's final season apparently wrapped up in the US, and I started hearing a lot of the Australian media marking the occasion as 'the Passing of the Greatest Show ever on Television'. Of course, each story ended with the sadly necessary 'it was on TV for a few nights at 11pm and then it stopped so you never saw it and it isn't on DVD yet so welcome to our lazy country.'
When I heard a university professor being interviewed on the radio about the characterisation in The Wire being on par with Dickens, I thought 'maybe I should try and watch this show maybe sometime.'
A little while after that I managed to find season one.
Hark. It was wonderful.
Some time later I found season two.
Even better.
Soon I will have season three.
I keep wanting to space out my watching, but I can't, and ended up shotgunning season two in two days.
I know I haven't said anything about the content of the show, but as I bask in the afterglow of a marathon, I'm a little overwhelmed.
This is a show that demands attention. It must be watched sequentially and with both eyes open. It rewards this attention as a doting parent would buy a child a new Lexus for mastering a belt buckle.
Basically, if you're looking to have a good time, it's on your side.
In season one, The Wire chronicle a taskforce within the Baltimore Police Department as they work to build a case against a drug operation. The case lasts the entire season and gives equal time and thought to characters on both sides.
It really is impossible to explain the brilliance of the show, as it's in the realism, the writing, and the care with which characters are built.
It pays no heed to television conventions designed to allow an easy time for viewers. You're thrown into situations and expected to catch up. It's hellish at first, but once you get your bearings, it allows you some ownership of the world.
I realised I was obsessed when, late in season one, something really bad happens to one of the characters, and I was unwittingly a fucking basket case.
Without realising it, I was so invested in the characters that, when something really bad happens, I was truly affected.
That never happened on Friends.
Watch The Wire.
I can't watch shows like that - my nerves can't handle it. If you were a basket case, then I'd be climbing telephone poles and throwing cats at people.
Now that's a show I would watch. "Cat Tree Lady Versus the World".
I would watch our cooking show. Pass the green potatoes please!
I have the first season ready to watch. Once I catch up with the rest of my watchings it will be on the list. My faves for TV shows?
Neon Genesis - Probably the finest tv, anime or not in my opinion. Starts off very innocent and goes to "messed up" by the end. The movie ending had me blubbering like a baby.
Dr Who - Russell fails when it comes to good endings, but I just can't believe how well they've done with this show since its start back in '05. with my favourite writer (stephan moffat) taking over and the recent news that patrick stewart is playing the meddling monk? holy shit. season 5 is going to be good.
B5 - If you can get past the dodgy effects, probably the best written series from start to end.
New stuff? Check out Pushing Daisies if you havent seen it already. It's almost like Tim Burton made his own TV show...
Sorry I'm always ranting about tv. Hah.
Man, you're in the exact right place to ramble about TV.
Sadly, I haven't seen anything that you mention, as I am apparently a jerk.
I have seen Pushing Daisies though, and it is delightful.
The best part of the Wire is how when you see season 1 you are like -- this is the best thing ever, and it makes every other show look like crap. Then when you get to Four you have to redefine what good TV means because it is almost as far away from season one as season one is from everything else.
I've only seen the first two and the anticipation is killing me.
When I rang my brother to tell him about this amazing show called The Wire he just steepled his fingers and said "I know."
He went on to say something like 'Every season is better than the last. You know how every TV show peaks then tapers down? not this one.'
I've already noticed this kind of exponential leap between seasons one and two. The other thing that kills me - at least in those two - is the ratcheting up in tension as the seasons near a close. I can't help but watch the last three in one big lump because ohmigodineedtoseethenextone.
I though all this talk would puncture my enjoyment of season two - what with it being talked up so high. But it seems that this is yet another phenomenom that The Wire is immune to.
Oh, add Deadwood to the list. Only this show can mix the foulest of language, almost Shakespeare like quotes into a Western.
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