Monday, October 20, 2008

Worlds Collide!

At this moment I'm no doubt reclining in a gold plated swimming pool, staring out onto a deck made of highly-polished glass while Jawas serve me sweet drinks that fizzle and spit. Soon I will walk through the rainforest, befriending bears that, later in the holiday, will defend me from would-be pickpockets without me even knowing. They won't mention their prescene, although I'll hear an approving growl as I round a corner and head into a restaurant made of sunshine, but they'll be happy.

So I wrote this before I went away, but I think I've got a solid handle on what I'm likely up to at this moment.

Presented above is a man I left behind, the sentinel that guards my desk at work; Doctor Octopus: Slayer of Stormtroopers and keeper of the Bob-omb!

Despite the poor quality photography and the fact he clearly isn't canon, he does elicit at least one question?

Most awesome thing ever?


Most awesome thing ever?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That better not be the head of my stormtrooper I left in the care of D...

You will rue the day you beheaded my stormtrooper, Octo-Freak!


Looks like you are having a nice holiday.