Seriously, the only downside to this is the threatened hobbling of my 'TV networks=devils' argument. That's one of my favourite complaints!
The upside?
With abysmal ratings, Dollhouse is a potential example of a shift in thinking, where executives consider a television program beyond the initial screening. That's a good thing.
A few years ago, Dollhouse never could've been renewed. But in this case, Fox has apparently looked past the 'no-one is watching as it screens just because we made sure it was shown at a time when no-one would watch as it screens' conundrum.
Now, if said executives could use the time they once spent cancelling things to go back an build a time machine and renew Firefly, all would be well.
I've seen two episodes of Dollhouse. It sucks. Dushku couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, and the guy from Little Britain USA is passable at best.
I know it's Whedon, but to compare it to Firefly is unfair. That show was incredible, and this coming from someone that didn't have much time for Buffy or Angel. I hope it picks up in the later episodes like this blog suggests, but at this point, I can't help but feel its renewal is like when Scorsese finally won a belated Oscar for the one film he directed that really didn't deserve it...
Firefly is the best thing there is.
Don't know where I'm going with that, but I stand by it.
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