Behold! The greatest song in the universe!
Behold! The worst thing that has ever happened!
Stan Bush's The Touch holds a special place in my heart, owing to it taking pride of place on the soundtrack to the 80s' animated Transformers film. As a young child I would listen to it repeatedly while screaming "take that Decepticreeps!" I continue this practice today.
This new version, apparently created by Bush without solicitation, is much like the new Transformers movie itself - quality parts reassembled in a way that is somehow less.
I guess it's late, or I wasn't reading properly, but when you said "created by Bush without soliciation", I instantly thought it was neo-grunge Bush (i.e. Gwen Stefani's handbag) that you were referring to. Incredulously, I clicked on the youtube link. I don't know if I was disappointed or relieved to find an ageing Stan Bush rather than Gavin Rossdale. Either way, that new Transformers movie sucked hardcore. I too still remember that robot pulling apart that thing that released that light that destroyed the big robot he was inside of - actually, the song is more the memory for me. So thanks for also including the original brilliant clip.
WTF??? How the fuck can you have "The Touch (Sam's Theme)". Sam doesn't have the touch...unless we're talking about touching himself. Optimus has the touch and sadly, much like the movie, is scarcely seen in this...I was going to say monstrosity, but I think I'll call it an abomination.
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