Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight

As previously discussed, I recently watched The Dark Knight.

The movie's been percolating in my brain for a few days, and really? That thing is awesome.

I wanted to write a review, but the internet is already choking on praise for the film, and any review I would write would just be more of the same. 

Even all the little shout-outs to cool things - the Joker's reptilian momentum, the pencil, Bruce's bevy of babes, Dent's tendons - have already been done.

Oh! I have one thing to say: The [deserved] focus on Ledger's performance left Aaron Eckert's excellent performance and centrality to the film a total surprise. Harvey Dent was a magnificent character. One of many.

So yeah, that movie was great. Great great great.

Mysterious contributor "B" sounded off on his thoughts in the comments to the previous post - giving away his age in the process. Anyone else got some thoughts they'd like to share?

And Ledger? He really was that good.


jay said...

what more could be said really? =]

one thing that i find endlessly intriguing about a movie such as this (and by this i mean a movie shadowed by the death of one of its main actors), is how inextricably linked Heath's death has been to the entire pathos of the film and the character of the joker.

there were some moments where i found myself weeping. was it solely his performance? was it the innate grief one feels for a life lost in its prime? was it purely a moment in the presence of an artist who has transcended his craft and achieved greatness?

i think it was all of these things and probably none of them at the same time. would i have fully jumped on the wave and allowed myself to be carried into the story-telling had Heath still been alive?

hmmm. i point i shall ponder a bit more.

on a lighter note, i purchased a box of Nesquik Cereal in the hopes of getting a little joker figurine. i got batman instead and was utterly disappointed =[

sdelatovic said...

The thought of The Joker, dangling out there on that wire forever, is like a punch in the stomach.

My brother was saying a similar thing about Ledger's final lines, outlining the eternal dance these characters will play. Harsh.

I've been trying to untangle my feelings for the film from Ledger's death as well, and I can't either.

Of course, the real question is, is Nesquik cereal good? Good enough for me to try for a small plastic Joker?

Anonymous said...

Lou and I took the morning off work to catch the first screening. Loved it!

Anonymous said...

That was more of a brag than a thought...

sdelatovic said...

My friend Luke everybody!

Likes: Good films

Dislikes: Not being a smug bastard.

jay said...

definitely good enough for a try at the plastic joker.
they look exactly like rabbit poo. exactly like.
but they taste like cocopops!