The photo below was taken at 1.30pm yesterday, about the same time I was absently wondering whether my house was going to collapse on my forehead.
So yeah, yesterday was fucked.
Crazy mega wind kicked dust up into the air and deposited it down the back of my pants, and then rain turned the universe to mud. Over here in Broken Hill we're lucky to be surrounded by red dirt. So yesterday the sky kind of looked like that thing Christians are always so smug about where Jesus is going to be all like "you were right, high five".
I love that sign. When I was a kid and we'd drive past I'd shout out loudly (and as it's spelled)..."COCKBURN!" The rents would hastily explain "it's Coburn, Sarah. COburn" Still... I continued to pronounce the CK time and time again despite this knowledge.
Heh. Cockburn.
aaahhhhh, grow up, ya wus!
When I was a kid, the dust would roll over town like a wall. Literally. A walking wall of dust. One side bright sunny, the other side as black as the inside of a dog's guts!
Rents? You'll know what when it comes time to PAY THE RENT!
Yeah...Cockburn, funny ol cockburn.
I don't think you can ever be too old to enjoy a good Cockburn gag.
I imagine a town meeting held 65 years ago:
"So ... I think we should just start pronouncing it Coburn, and pretend its always been that way."
"Great idea Mayor Memberfever!"
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