Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Further proof that I cut my hair

DSCF1390.JPG, originally uploaded by obscene_pickle.

As this picture proves, my hair is short.

Facinating, yes?

It also proves that Leen's sock puppet had no eyes, and that she is gorgeous, but that is a sidebar to my navel gazing.

I've decided I will always let my hair get completely out of control by leaving it unstyled and unattended for 18+ months before getting a haircut.

When people believe you have lost pride in yourself and you prove otherwise is when the real compliments start flowing in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Photojournalist for a day, huh?

Does the cry "Freedom!!!" from Braveheart ring a bell here?

(and that did require three exclamation marks). So there!

And that's not a haircut! Get a real haircut. You want the truth? You caaaaannnnn'''tttt handle the truth!!!