Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Yesterday I took the day off from the internetz to spend time with my dad. It was a good time.

As always, we managed to dodge topics of all importance and instead took in various eating establishments and the cinema. It was a fun, all-to-rare occurance.

Today I am full of sickness. While I am not approaching a Leen level of incapacitation [get well soon!] I'm felling pretty damn ordinary.

For some reason, this blog tends to revolve around the thoughts that spring out of my brain rather than the significant events that orbit around it, leading me to review shite movies like Hancock and omit all references to important events in the life of me. I'm entirely cool with that, as I'd hate for this to fall out of the realm of entertainment [which I strive for, even if I do not succeed] and become a glorified family newsletter.

Having said that, some marginally intresting stuff has occurred. I've been wanting to write about it for ages and just never did. As way of excusing myself from writing at length so I can instead smoke my way through a head cold and then maybe win a Brain Award for Immense Smartness, here's some stuff that's happened.

We bought a car. Leen and I bought a shiny Hyundai i30. After a lifetime of barely-operable vehicles and emitted strange noises and periodically decided 'nope, no driving today', the lack of driving-related stress is indescribable.

I got a tattoo. Leen and I both got a tattoo on our left wrist. I love it. There's a story there and I'll get to it sometime.

I got an XBox 360. Through a somewhat strange turn of events our Wii-loving household ended up with the console, and I have been working my way through the catalogue of games I'd missed since launch. I want to give my impressions of the console at length. In short? Biggest lesson so far is Halo still Halo, XBox is louder than an airplane.

I've written some great stuff. I don't talk about work here, but recently I've written some articles I'm really happy with and proud of. They will passed unnoticed by everyone.

I still don't like racism. It is everywhere this week. Lame.

I fell in love with the ABC. Again. The iView service is exquisite. It allows me to look with fondness at a media outlet in Australia, which is something that never happens. I thank them.

I am digging the Olympics. The Opening Ceremony was amazing, and the enthusiasm vested within me has transferred into the actual watching of sports, which is unheard of. I'm digging all the sports I've never seen, but still lose interest immediately when a sport I've seen before appears.


Anonymous said...

I was reading your blurbs and then had the most amazing flashback...I remember once visiting a friend who was laid up sick in bed. You bring them a gift of fruit or fruit juice - keep your fluids up theory - and just sit there and talk, while they cough up mucus or groan in pain.
I can't remember the specifics of that particular visit, but what hit me like a thunderbolt is that I haven't done this for many, many years. Now that's weird. It is, however, probably due to the fact I just don't have friends anymore - at least not the type you visit at their home when they are laid up sick in bed.


PS: Get well, sicko.

sdelatovic said...

I do intend to get well soon. The tissue that currently sits in my nose seems to think otherwise though.

good luck Monday!