Friday, August 1, 2008

Locked up with all of my people

There's been some cool commentary crawling out from underneath the posts that I've scattered around this mossy blog garden.

Honestly, I have no idea how many people read this thing or if they are reading the comments, but I'm a big fan.

I thought I'd put these ones up here because, well, it's my blog!

Tmofee weighed in on my last post, about Nintendo being a money making machine, with his own view of this console war malarkey:

"A lot of sony and ms issues are the cost of the tech. the system and games probably cost a lot more than what they're selling them for. luckily these a big companies who can afford the losses.

I think The Bluray will help sony, and if this i-tv thing comes out in Australia as well, recording free to air tv? i think it will be for a lot of people more of an all in one entertainment system as well as just a gaming system.

I just hope nintendo survive gen 7. there's only so much you can do with the wii. yeah its fun but all these big games are being left out for them. I don't own a wii, but I have a lot of fond memories with the snes and 64 systems."

After I exposed the world to some of my crazier childhood moments, Luke shared this gem:

"Happily, Lou and I still play similar games. Both our cats have jobs - and we invent reasons why whenever we see them, they are not actually at work. "Frenchie's doing nightshift". "Pete's on a break" "The union doesn't let cats work the same amount of hours as humans", etc."

I think we can all agree that that's one of the funnest thing ever.

Jay did not explicitly share my love of the Pussycat Dolls' new single, but he did share belief that they were singing about their wide-eyed hopes for boobies.
I stick by my comments that "I wanna have boobies", in the context of the group's "grrl power" aesthetic and "exxxtreme" attitude, would've made a superior lyric.

And poor B chimed in to call me a boob over my recent bank mishap, but was felled by a misplaced e. His Class A burn was thus consumed by a debate over the difference between a typo and a spelling error.


Spelling error = stupid brain.

Typo = stupid fingers.

I myself am guilty of both, with regularity and with gusto.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for fixing mine. I am terrible when writing online. :)

jay said...

yes, and i thought the pussycat dolls were being progressive :/

[im pre sure 749237% of their fangirl base actually wants and/or has breast implants].